Cause and effect
The following animated images provides an insight of the research that is happening right now to understand how springiness and bounciness can be translated though animation. The work is a hybrid process between physics and key frame animation. None of the small animated images will have sounds yet as this will be a different research, and process at a later phase in the production of the film. Questions like the behavior of unbaked spring steel which has been brought in motion, through micro servos, fitted with a small lightweight head, that functions as both anthropomorphic element in its appearance, but also as micro volume to hit a mini sound board. This latter are the micro instruments of the musicians. These instruments will also be affected by the motions created on the musicians. Cause and effect are inherently important in creating a simulated digital reality, where a synergy between the musicians and their instruments will be created, and later enforced through the additional element of sound. We can not experience them through tangibility in this digital world, but strictly through audio, visual and motion through time.