the Musicians (part II) digital realities (2017/2018)

The Musicians II, Digital Realities

The musicians in their original existence, when they came into this world were leading a shy and modest life. They were playing their little instruments, until someone approached them and came to close and intruded their comfort-zone. They would immediately cease to play and anxiously wait until the observers or visitors left. The only way really to see them doing their act, was to observe them through a monitor in a different space, which was getting its life feed directly from a camera positioned in close proximity filming the musicians. They were not aware of the camera’s task, and as soon as someone left the space they would commence their repertoire of generic percussion patterns. Their lives were short, and every time, one of the micro servos broke down, a musician was lost. They were clumsy, and sometimes pretty uncontrolled in their agility and finesse of playing their little instruments. In their modest existence, their humble goal was to make music, obsessed by mathematical patterns and the synergy they experienced through each other in a perpetual jam session.

In the Musicians II, the actors transport themselves to a new realm. The digital Virtual world, unlimited in scope. They re-imagine themselves and they are filtering out their flaws and insecurities into something how they envision and desire their existence and ultimately who they choose to be.

We can visit them, but only on their conditions, in a world which at first glimpse looks quite similar as their first existence in our material physical realm. But the similarities only exist at the surface. Soon it will become clear that in this new world nothing is fixed. Scale is defined through perception and experience rather than through physics. Time can be distorted and become part of a symphony, which is something that is in their new environment is solely controlled by the musicians themselves. Loops and repetitions can become part of their evil plan to capture and trap the visitors in their mathematical labyrinths. Their raison d’être is ultimately the mathematical rhythms and patterns in which their coded messages dwell. Now they gain the ability to drive us through their new world pulled and pushed through their intrinsic and carefully crafted sound maze. A small journey criticizing our existence of solidity and stability. What if everything could give us clues about existence, without being confined by the physical rules of our universe.

All images are test renders in preparation for the final output for the animation. Nothing is fully ready yet and should be considered as a work in progress.

To get an insight in the work in progress i started a blog which functions as the making off in real-time, during the actual process of making.